Terms and Conditions

Enrolment Agreement

1.  By accepting these terms, you agree to pay the Course Fee using the payment method selected at Checkout.

2.  You accept that you’re required to pay the full amount of the Course Fee even if you don’t complete the Course.

3.  If your payment is dishonoured, we will give you notice and 2 days to honour the payment. We will not be responsible for any fees you incur due to dishonoured payments. Where you do not honour your payment obligations, despite notice from us, we reserve the right to immediately terminate your access to the Course. 

4.  The duration of the Course is as advised to you prior to sign up.

5.  Course commencement is the advised Course Start Date.

6.   Course enrolment is complete when you complete the Course signup process which includes online account setup, and completing your purchase through entering your payment details at Checkout.

Course duration and commencement is effective from the date e-learning access is granted.

Promo Code Policy

All Promo Codes have the following conditions of use:

1.  Not redeemable for cash;

2.  Valid for one (1) use only;

3.  Promo Codes cannot be added retroactively; they must be used at the checkout;

4.  Promo Codes cannot be used in conjunction with other Promo Codes/coupons/credit vouchers;

5.  Promo Codes can only be used in the time frame specified in the special offer.

Course Materials, Access and Assessment

1.  Course Materials are supplied to you in an online environment. Unless otherwise made specifically available to you for download, online course materials must not be downloaded.

2.  The content of the online Course Materials, including copyright and all other such intellectual property rights contained therein, remain the property of Paddocks. You may not reproduce any part of the online Course or the Course Materials without the prior written consent of Paddocks;

3.  Course Materials and course content are subject to change;

4.  Online course materials are provided online via our Learning Management System (LMS) and are available 24/7. The LMS may occasionally be unavailable during scheduled maintenance. In the event that our LMS becomes unavailable, course materials will be provided by another mode of delivery.

Refunds, Deferrals and Course Cancellations

1.     We do not provide refunds if you change your mind about doing the Course. If a family emergency or similar issue pops up in your life which means you don’t have capacity to do the Course at that time, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your deferral to a later presentation of the Course.

2.     Students who want to defer will need to pay a rollover fee of 50% (incl. VAT when applicable) of the short course fee. If the course fee was paid for a student by their employer, their employer will also have to give written confirmation stating they are aware of and accept the terms of the deferral before we can process the deferral. Please note that no credits will be awarded for assignments completed up until the time of deferral.

3. Paddocks does not guarantee that future presentations will be held. Any student who chooses to delay their participation in the course does so at their own risk.

4. Should we cancel a Course for any reason, you will be entitled to a full refund, and will not incur any administrative charges or penalties.

5. Should you cancel your registration in writing before the closing date of registrations you will qualify for a refund of the payment made, however, you will be liable for a 10% cancellation fee (incl. VAT if applicable).

Access to Course Instructors

Students will only have access to the Course Instructors on the discussion forums and during the live coaching calls. Course Instructors will not be available for queries by telephone or email.

Last updated February 2023